Movie Review: The Internship

The last time Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn came together, they created a fun flick called Wedding Crashers. I don’t think anyone can forget that. Owen and Vince get back together once again after 8 years for The Internship.
The story begins with Nick (Owen Wilson) and Billy (Vince Vaughn) finding out that their company is shutting down and they have no jobs. Being experienced sales personnel, both begin to look for jobs. While Nick gets his hands on one, Billy has other ideas.
Billy convinces Nick to join him for an interview for an internship with Google. As they manage to get through it, not being tech savvy is just one of the challenges that they have to face.
A shot from the movie (Source: GooglePlus)
The story revolves around how Billy and Nick manage their time at Google and the challenges they face during this time. Not only do they have to overcome these obstacles, they have to even win a competition in order to get a permanent job at Google. Being a bit too old for the young crowd, all they manage is to become a part of a “team of misfits” (for the competition).
Do they manage to overcome these challenges? Do the other team members accept them? Do they manage to get the jobs? Well, that is something for you to find out.
Billy and Nick play the Google version of Quidditch (Source: Timeinc)
From the internship interview to questions like “Should you have a beer with your boss?” and Google’s own version of Quidditch; the movie has several funny bits.

One would think that a movie with Google would be an over the top, technological based one. However this is not the case with the Internship. It is a light hearted, fun movie with more focus on human relationships than technology. The movie also focusses on the culture at Google. We get to see how the Google office looks, with a number of scenes shot in different areas of the office.

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, pull off good performances as always. The storyline and dialogues lift the movie. Tia Sircar, Rose Byrne, Tobit Raphael, Max Minghella, Aasif Mandvi and a few other actors have been used aptly in supporting roles. There are a few romantic moments in the movie, along with some good jokes that make you laugh out loud.
On the whole, The Internship is a good package. Totally worth a watch.
Rating:    7.5/10
Runtime: 119 mins.

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